Thursday, February 2, 2012

Faith is Not a T-Shirt

I just wanted to share these words with you today -

A rough draft, really -

Of a chance to reexamine -

A chance for me to reexamine -

What faith really is,

What faith really means,

Whether it is what we wear,

The fact that we go to church once or twice a week,

The fact that we try to be good people,

Or whether all that is an overflow,

Coming from a heart head-over-heels in love,

A heart in relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

I need to ask myself if that's where my heart is,

Because if I'm not asking,

Not examining,

Not checking,

Not questioning,

Then the state of my heart,

The state of my relationship with God,

Is obviously not the priority it should be -

And how often I fail at this!

So this is for asking questions -

And we should never be afraid to ask these kinds of questions -

And this I'm singing to myself,

Always singing to myself.


You can wear the Christian t-shirt,
Call yourself by that word,
But, if those trappings were stripped away,
What would remain?

You can attend church faithfully,
Read your Bible regularly,
But if it's only in your brain
Or if the world sweeps it away,
Then where's the change?

I could spend all day in my garage and not become a car,
I could spend my life staring at the sky and not become a star,
So, if the trappings and our actions cannot make us who we are,
Maybe it's the heart,
Maybe it's our hearts.

Where is your heart?

Is it caught up in religion, doing such hard work
To try to measure up to Perfection's standards?
Does that give you the salvation that you need?
Does it set you free?

Where is your heart?

Is it in intimate relationship with your Creator King,
Is He the reason why you breathe,
The very reason for your being?

Is He the reason why I breathe,
Is He the reason why I sing?

Do you believe it in your heart,
With everything you are?
Does that bring the change you need,
Does it set you free?

Are your good works an overflow
Of a loved, forgiven soul?
Is every step that you take
To give Him glory, bring Him praise?

Was there a change?
Is there a change?
Are you changed,

Can we not look at the t-shirts or the bracelets
To show us what a faithful person is?
Can we find a better place to start?
Can we look into our hearts?

'Cause faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt.

Faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt.

Faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt,
Faith is not a t-shirt.

Oh, I need to hear that over and over and over again. 

It's not a t-shirt,

It's not the words I say,

Or even the prayers I pray,

It's what's in my heart,

Because I don't want religion,

I want relationship.

Where is my heart?

Bold, italicized words ©2012 Mary Schieferstein

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